Parking house Focus


Making parking garage lighting smarter and more sustainable


In this project Helvar partnered with Legrand/Ensto with the key aim of reducing energy consumption and creating a working template for how Gƶteborgs Stads Parkering could structure future projects in the city.

Project Overview
Parking house Focus, or ā€œP-Hus Focusā€, is a pioneering project due to its use of cutting-edge lighting technology. Helvar and Legrand/Ensto created a solution with Helvarā€™s new ActiveAhead sensor, 5635 Multisense R44, embedded within Enstoā€™s luminaire, Flip.
900 such units were installed within the parking garage to create a world-class user experience and energy management capabilities. With its unique self-learning capabilities and IP65 rating, the 5635 ActiveAhead Multisense R44 was the obvious choice in the tough environment of a parking garage.


Technical Support and Testing
Helvar led the way in the project by providing technical expertise and programming recommendations throughout the different phases. The integration of the Helvar ActiveAhead sensor within Flip luminaires enabled seamless adjustments and customization via a user-friendly mobile app, making the process of testing different light levels easy and smooth. The system achieved remarkable energy savings with this solution; it was, for example, noted that a 50% maximum lighting level would be sufficient at presence detection instead of the 90% that was initially calculated. Daylight harvesting capabilities at the entrances and outer areas further increased the energy efficiency, while the utilization of the corridor hold functionality added to the user safety and comfort for both motorists and pedestrians.
Project Outcomes and Benefits
The collaboration between Helvar, Legrand/Ensto and Gƶteborgs Stads Parkering in this project is an example of the impact that an intelligent lighting control solution can have on energy efficiency. Due to careful planning and precise testing, the project not only achieved the main goal of energy reduction, but also created a scalable model for future projects by putting simplicity, flexibility, and sustainability first.


Key Facts

Completed: 2023
Customer: Gƶteborgs Stads Parkering
Luminaire Manufacturer: Legrand/ Ensto
Electrical Contractor: Elektro-Centralen