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Smart Lighting and Environmental Sensors: Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), Health, and Wellbeing

  • Oktober 21, 2024

Creating environments that nurture our wellbeing has emerged as a priority in today’s society, highlighting the need to understand how lighting…

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Bygningsreglementet BR18

  • September 16, 2024

Er din bygning klar til BR18-kravene til bygningsautomation? Inden 2025 skal alle stÞrre bygninger have installeret bygningsautomatik til styring og overvÄgning...

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Exploring design flexibility in smart buildings: Integrating the Best of Wireless and Wired Lighting Controls

  • September 4, 2024

WRITTEN BY MATTI VESTERINEN Matti Vesterinen is the director of Helvar’s wireless lighting controls, a rapidly growing portfolio with the unique…

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One Idea at a Time Towards Smarter Solutions

  • Oktober 13, 2023

WRITTEN BY NEHA SOOD Neha Sood comes from India and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Automation and Electrical Engineering…

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Moving country to start a career towards a more sustainable future

  • September 14, 2023

WRITTEN BY WEIKANG KONG Weikang Kong is an embedded software developer at Helvar, working on LED driver firmware development. He received…

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Carbon Handprint: Hands up for a positive climate impact!

  • Mai 12, 2023

In recent years, Helvar’s sustainability strategy has adopted a stronger focus on our Carbon Handprint, a relatively new concept that takes…

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A Bright Idea? Proving the easiness of wireless lighting controls

  • MĂ€rz 24, 2023

What happens when you get four students with no lighting background to configure your system? At Helvar, our raison d’ĂȘtre is…

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Lighting Design Best Practices

  • Februar 10, 2023

Imagine you have been tasked with the lighting design for an office that must follow advanced lighting norms and global standards,...

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Workplace wellbeing secrets: Outsmart the winter blues with lighting

  • Dezember 8, 2022

WRITTEN BY TARJA JOKINIEMI Tarja Jokiniemi works as a Marketing Manager for solutions and services at Helvar. She is a vision-oriented…

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Helvar’s New Partnership with BE LIGHT! in Hungary

  • Dezember 5, 2022

Helvar expands further into Central Europe with their latest Strategic Partnership with Hungarian lighting specialists, BE LIGHT! In addition to our...

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