Psychiatric Center Glostrup
Making a clinic less ‘clinical’ with Helvar
Psychiatric Center Glostrup has 13 wards with a total of 190 beds and 16 outpatient clinics where patients are diagnosed and treated with all types of mental disorders. The center is spread across five different locations and employs approximately 700 people.
At one of the five locations a Helvar DALI system was installed in 2018, when the department was renovated and redecorated. The light in the common areas and the long corridor connecting the various sections and outpatient clinics is controlled by four Helvar 910 routers.
Helvar 321 multisensors have been installed for presence detection and daylight control. In common areas 341 PIR sensors detect presence and absence. In the 300m long corridor the system is programmed with specific brightness levels and Kelvin temperatures. Moreover cleaning periods and automatic summer/winter time has been set up. The solution has created a better working environment for the employees and a comfortable atmosphere for the patients.