PanelReady connector cable connected to LED panel and installed in fake ceiling


PanelReady –
Optimised solution for LED panels

We are excited to introduce a new service to our customers: the option to deliver our compact, LOOP and MINI LED drivers with pre-installed connector cables for quick assembly of various LED light panels. Available now also for compact Freedom wireless LED drivers with Freedom Node and Freedom Sense ready installed.
Save time, money and resources in LED panel installation, and streamline your manufacturing process with fast-to-install LED drivers from a global, trusted partner. Read more information or contact us today!
For more information of our PanelReady service for LED panels, please contact your local Helvar sales representative today:

The PanelReady cable options

  • DC jack 5,5mm, male and female connectors available
  • 150 mm cabling length from connector base to the other end
  • White colour
  • Custom lengths and specs also possible, ask for more!

Dimensions of a female connector cable:PanelReady connector cable dimensions

Either one or two cables can be fitted into the driver terminals (input / output side), with a suitable strain relief installed before shipping. See the example datasheet of a complete PanelReady package:

How to get your own PanelReady drivers:

    1. Choose a compatible Helvar LED driver: compact, MINI or LOOP – Pro tip: try LEDesign!
    2. Choose the desired strain relief if applicable *
    3. Define the cable connection details according to your LED panel (LED+ and LED- polarity)
    4. Define the desired output current if needed
    5. Contact your local Helvar sales representative!

*) LC-SRA / LC-SRB / LC-SRC strain reliefs by default in compact drivers unless otherwise specified

LEDesign LED calculator to find right LED driver for LED modules

Optional pre-programmed output current  – straight from our factory

We can also set the requested output current to the drivers before assembling and shipping the PanelReady LED drivers. This offers a truly tailor-made, completely ready package solution without any configuration needed. Output current setting is available for our LED drivers with NFC or dip-switch features. For LED drivers with just external resistor configuration available, this option is possible with certain limitations. Please consult your local Helvar sales representative for more information.