ActiveAhead lighting solution

activeahead 2018 (FUORI PRODUZIONE)

Helvar ActiveAhead 2018 (FUORI PRODUZIONE)

La soluzione Helvar ActiveAhead 2018 risulta essere fuori produzione a partire da fine giugno 2021. Le app Active+ Sense 3021 e ActiveAhead 2018 rimarranno comunque ancora disponibili. Helvar ha sviluppato e ulteriormente migliorato le funzioni di autoapprendimento, integrandole nella soluzione Helvar ActiveAhead Generation 2. Nel caso fossero necessari dei chiarimenti siamo a vostra disposizione per un eventuale supporto e aiuto.

Nota: i prodotti ActiveAhead 2018 non sono compatibili con i prodotti ActiveAhead Generation 2, quindi non possono essere installati insieme.

Hai necessità di ulteriore assistenza o hai domande? Contattaci, siamo a tua disposizione.


Prodotti fuori produzione Helvar ActiveAhead 2018:

Soluzione ActiveAhead 2018

– Control Unit ActiveAhead 5605

– Control Unit ActiveAhead DA 5606

– Sensore da Esterno ActiveAhead 3022

Cerchi Helvar ActiveAhead Generazione 2?

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Control Units

Wireless Lighting Controls Radio Unit
ActiveAhead Control Unit

Always looking, always learning, ActiveAhead units talk to each other through Bluetooth. Predicting where light’s needed next.


ActiveAhead Control Unit DA

Bring your DALI light fittings into an ActiveAhead network. Give them the power to learn and predict.


Active+ Sense Sensors

Small and capable — and easily mounted inside the light fitting — ActiveAhead with PIR motion and light sensing doesn’t need a separate power supply.

ActiveAhead Sense Outdoor

This luminaire-mounted IP65-rated sensor takes ActiveAhead outdoors.

Control panel

Wireless Control Panel

Stick on and start
With no wires or cables, this optional self-powered panel sticks straight to the wall and is ideal for meeting room use.  It speaks to ActiveAhead Control Units so you can summon four lighting scenes.
Product Page

Mobile app

Easy to customise
ActiveAhead’s beauty is that it learns by itself. But you can tell it what to do too. Install the app, and with a tap you’re in charge.
Product Page

Helvar ActiveAhead App

ActiveTune personal lighting

Set the lights at your desk how you like them or for the job you’re doing. You can save your light settings and access them through the ActiveTune app. Download the free app, scan the QR code on your desk and get the right light for you.
Product page

Tutti i prodotti ActiveAhead Generation 2