Bygningsreglementet BR18
- 16 сентября, 2024
Er din bygning klar til BR18-kravene til bygningsautomation? Inden 2025 skal alle større bygninger have installeret bygningsautomatik til styring og overvågning...
ПодробнееHelvar appoints new CEO, Kim Långström
- 24 июня, 2024
Kim Långström has been officially appointed as new Helvar CEO starting September 2024. Current CEO, Adel Hattab, will continue in the…
ПодробнееActiveAhead Node Advanced now supports DALI addressing
- 11 мая, 2022
Introducing Node Advanced — Intelligence of ActiveAhead Combined With the Benefits of DALI Addressing Helvar brings new scalability to its award-winning…
ПодробнееCelebrating the 2021 DALI Awards
- 19 января, 2022
Helvar and its partners celebrate Awards and Commendations at 2021 DALI AWARDS! Helvar is excited to announce that The Spine in…
ПодробнееNew Bafa Funding for Efficient Buildings in Germany
- 8 апреля, 2021
Can I get up to 20% back on my investment in energy efficient lighting? Your investment in efficient lighting technology and...
ПодробнееHelvar & Partners celebrate awards and recognition at 2020 DALI Awards!
- 26 января, 2021
Helvar is thrilled to announce that The Column of Immaculate Conception in Italy has been awarded the 'Best DALI Outdoor Project'...