Helvar in Hospitality

Гладкий спа. Расслабляющие рестораны. Комнаты построены, чтобы помочь вам зарядить батареи. И все с акцентом на удостоенный наград стиль и функции энергосбережения. Мы позаботимся о том, чтобы вы хорошо обслуживались.

Лучшие отели мира нуждаются в правильном освещении. Для захватывающих пропорций или инновационных амбиций вы в хороших руках с Helvar. День и ночь.

Решения для отелей




Constant Voltage LED lighting




Наше решение для управления освещением в гостиничном бизнесе

Imagine Lighting Controls - Turkey


Imagine Endless Possibilities

Helvar IMAGINE — хорошо известная система управления освещением. Интеллектуальные технологии, используемые в ней, помогают создать комфортную обстановку, а также гарантируют эффективность и масштабируемость в различных областях применения. Imagine, ведущая система управления и контроля освещения, создана на основе отраслевых стандартов и требований, предъявляемых к простоте установки и интеграции.

  • Почему стоит выбрать именно Helvar?
    • Scene section to create the right ambience
    • Fully scalable, from a single hotel room to an integrated lighting solution for the whole building
    • Integration with room management system
    • Integration with audiovisual system
    • Control of multiple load types
    • Energy monitoring and maintenance
    • Power on to last level used
    • Automated control of public spaces

Посмотрите, как Helvar улучшил качество обслуживания гостей в Scandic Rubinen, Гетеборг

  • "Easy to contact and always willing to assist and answer questions."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Good quality products, good service and personal relationship / support from our account manager."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "The people at Helvar you can trust and are open with everything that can be achieved with time scales. They are also reactive to ideas and solutions. The integrations available are outstanding."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Good quality products, excellent technical service."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Strong product portfolio around controls. Good people to deal with."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Industry knowledge and local representation is extremely good."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Innovative products, good customer service and technical support locally from Helvar engineers."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Great support through the design stages of a project and on-site."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "I find Helvar easy to contact and deal with."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Easy to deal and communicate with and very helpful to find solutions to problems."
    Helvar UK Customer
  • "Solid and good company that is constantly at the forefront of smart management. Nice staff who know what they are talking about."
    Helvar customer
  • "Helvar operate in a professional manner with vast experience and a wide spectrum of knowledge within the industry."
    Helvar customer
  • "Helvar sees the bigger picture about efficiently operating user friendly buildings, and they strive for the ultimate results in development of their products accordingly."
    Helvar customer
  • "We had a Helvar CPD so far, which was very thorough and informative. The next step is to get a chance to work together, but so far I am very happy with the support from the Helvar team."
    Event attendee
  • "The training was practical and lively. It was interesting to follow!"
    Event attendee
  • "Thought Helvar’s presentation was very good and easy to follow along with no matter your knowledge level. Also a very good speaker!"
    Event attendee
  • "We can consolidate all these components into a single platform for convenient access. You could say we are now ahead of our time."
    Janne Suominen
    Property Manager, Hansakortteli
  • “Having Helvar Insights on our tablets and phones feels so incredibly good, so simple and so uncomplicated.”
    Matti Virta
    Technician, Hufuvdstaden
  • "The project went very smoothly. Thanks to our previous experience with the Helvar system, I knew that the collaboration would be fruitful. Although the arrangement for Generali was challenging due to various manufacturers, the Helvar system proved to be flexible enough for us to handle it without any issues. The DALI system remains highly versatile and reliable, which greatly facilitated our task."
    Beata Zarzycka-Rojek – Epstein
    Electrical Project Engineer
  • "We had already carried out several other installations together in previous projects. It was not only brand awareness that made us choose Helvar, but also the competitive price, and great technical support."
    Marcin Gromala – Elektromontaż Rzeszów Sp. z o.o. in Przemyśl
    Managing Director
  • "We will continue the cooperation with Helvar in the future because it’s always a pleasure to work with the front runners”
    Kari Kallioharju – Tampere University TAMK
    Senior Lecturer, Building Services Engineering
  • "Helvar's service has been second to none on this project. They've been a pleasure to deal with and always go above and beyond to accommodate the client's wishes. Glackin Electrics would 100% use Helvar again and potentially look forward to doing so in the future"
    Conán Brown – Glackin Electrics
    Design Engineer/Contracts Manager
  • "Helvar is an easy system to work with and you receive good back up from engineers so we would use them for future projects”
    Alan Kavanagh – Steane Ltd
    Mechanical and Electrical Site Manager
  • “The DALI lighting control system provided was more complex than usual due to integration requirements with 3rd party systems, however thanks to the excellent service and expertise provided by Helvar, these complexities were overcame and PC was achieved. Helvar then further supported the client by means of post PC assistance to ensure a smooth transition from handover to occupancy. I look forward to working with Helvar again on the next project."
    James Moxham – Derry Building Services Ltd
    Electrical Project Manager
  • “Assemblin has great experiences from working with Helvar. We chose Helvar for this installation as we are familiar with their products and our own personnel, who are trained by Helvar, can commission our projects”
    Janne Ekqvist – Assemblin
    Project Manager
  • "The Helvar team have been a great support to WILA on this challenging project. They have provided both professional and timely responses throughout the entire process"
    Jon Grzbiela – WILA Lighting
    Business Development – Lighting, Controls + IoT
  • “The service from Helvar has been top class! The lighting system is easy to install and has all the bells and whistles that make it a top system. Dealing with [Helvar] was also very easy, nothing was any trouble. We would have no hesitation in using Helvar again”
    David Agnew – R&A Group
    Director of R&A Group
  • "In more than 25 years FUNA and Helvar have been growing together and we were able to share many experiences of our projects. This has resulted in a very strong partnership."
    Andreas Köhler – Wärtsilä FUNA
  • «Нам очень нравится работать с производителем, который понимает наш рынок и может предоставлять долгосрочную поддержку нашему сервисному отделу».
    Ralf Boeckhoff – Wärtsilä FUNA
  • "We have been with Helvar for 5 months, we are amazed with the level of details from product trainings, business case discussion, to very individual problem solving video demonstration has greatly enhance our solutions and support credibility towards our clientele."
    Stanley Ong – LumiAmbience
  • "We have been a Helvar partner for 12 months now – the cooperation gives us the opportunity to offer complete system solutions that are very well received by our customers, and this gives us a special position in relation to customer cooperation."
    Daniel Grün – LIPA Lichtpartner GmbH
  • "We like to think of ourselves as one of the leaders in the region for Lighting and Lighting Control technology. Helvar’s continuous innovations and upgrades has helped us retain this reputation."
    Creation Gulf Trading LLC
  • «Мы никогда не сомневаемся, что Helvar предоставит нам помощь по любым вопросам, будь то разработка проекта, внедрение или даже маркетинг».
    Creation Gulf Trading LLC
  • "Working with Helvar is always a pleasure. Despite being a Manufacturer, they always work with us as partners which is in line with our preferred style of working as well."
    Creation Gulf Trading LLC
  • "We used to use another suppliers DALI systems, however there was limited investment in new products and solutions. We then started to work with Helvar, and could see that Helvar wanted to invest more and more into new, different solutions. Looking back, we’re very satisfied with the decision that we made."
    Margus Norrko – Alter Baltics OÜ
  • "Smart buildings are here today, but we believe they need to be better than smart. When a building can learn from its senses, think about how it can improve itself over its lifetime, then it will be truly intelligent."
  • "Harmony of the Seas is like a floating city, so we needed a lighting control solution that is simple to install and gives us all the capabilities we need on a project of this size and complexity. "
  • "The lighting project at the Paderborn head office is a complete success. Energy savings of up to 75% and optimum illumination is a result that has exceeded our expectations."
    ANDREAS HARTMANN – Hartmann International
  • "Thanks to dynamic lighting, the colour and brightness can be adjusted to suit the time of day. The night and day variations support the care work carried out by the staff and the recovery of the patients."
    TEEMU PIRTTINEN – Seinäjoki Central Hospital
  • The ability to control the lighting from our centralised BMS Centre is an additional benefit, and we intend to continue using the system in our future developments in the region.
    Chief Construction Officer, Kings College Hospital
  • Benefits to our patients include the ability to create an optimum lighting ambience depending on the time of day and their personal preference. Lighting is an essential part of the patient recovery experience and we are pleased with the Helvar system.
    Chief Construction Officer, Kings College Hospital
  • «Мы изменили планировку офиса: вместо множества маленьких комнат мы обустроили функционально ориентированный офис с открытой планировкой. И мы хотели при этом, чтобы по мере перемещения людей по различным зонам офиса уровень освещенности оставался одинаковым. В то же время мы хотели, чтобы системой освещения можно было управлять, настраивая ее согласно индивидуальным потребностям».
  • «Наши сотрудники очень довольны тем, что в помещениях поддерживается постоянный уровень освещенности. А когда мы сообщили сотрудникам, что система к тому же адаптирует освещение, исходя из количества естественного света, это понравилось им еще больше».
  • «Поскольку мы хотели оснастить все системы в здании по последнему слову техники, мы выбрали ActiveAhead — перспективную беспроводную систему управления освещением с функцией самообучения от Helvar».
  • «Одна из интеллектуальных функций системы Helvar — это возможность собирать данные о посещаемости всех помещений. Это помогает нам лучше понимать, как используется здание. Наша конечная цель — полностью интеллектуальное здание, и решение Helvar — удачный шаг на пути к ее достижению».
  • "Helvar is the first company who have come out with an all-inclusive attitude, with an all-inclusive business proposal, saying let’s all be successful together, let’s all grow together, let’s all benefit together."
    Managing Director, Creation Gulf Trading LLC
  • "Growth with Helvar is, especially now, being able to adapt to the market, have new solutions, and be a part of the top level within lighting controls, so working with Helvar means a lot to us."
    Sales Manager, Vanpee A/S
  • For me, growing with Helvar is a universal growth.
    Managing Director, Creation Gulf Trading LLC
  • "Поскольку мы хотели, чтобы все системы здания были оснащены по последнему слову техники, мы выбрали беспроводное, самообучающееся и перспективное решение для управления освещением ActiveAhead от Helvar."
  • "Одной из особенностей системы Helvar для интеллектуальных зданий является то, что она позволяет нам собирать данные о заполненности всех помещений. Это помогает нам понять, как используется наше здание, и соответствует нашим амбициям в области интеллектуального строительства."
  • "Наши сотрудники были очень довольны таким стабильным уровнем освещения, а когда им сказали, что система освещения сама регулируется в зависимости от дневного света, это их еще больше порадовало."
  • "Когда мы изменили планировку нашего офиса, превратив его из небольшого кабинета в офис открытой планировки, мы хотели, чтобы уровень освещения был одинаковым во всех помещениях, когда люди переходят с одного места на другое. В то же время мы хотели иметь возможность управлять системой освещения в зависимости от личных потребностей."
  • "We were impressed right from concept to completion."
    Project Engineer
  • Sushi B wanted a DALI lighting control system, so Helvar were a natural choice.
    Lighting designer
  • "The energy savings will help us achieve our efficiency targets as well as saving tens of thousands of pounds over the life of the installation."
    Bath University
  • Helvar’s DIGIDIM system was the best possible choice for lighting control.
    Electrical designer for the European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki
  • It’s a flexible and open system. You can easily extend it later.
    EGGER Group
  • Using Helvar lighting control was a simple decision for us.
    Wärtsilä FUNA
  • Безупречная поддержка клиентов.
  • "By using Helvar, we estimate that the library has saved 70-80% of its energy used in lighting."
    Helvar, Finland
  • Helvar’s lighting control system is perfectly suited for schools. The teacher can adjust the lighting at the press of a button.
    Electrical manager for the Tervaväylä School project
  • The Helvar system copes easily with the vast number of different light loads and partition walls.
    Centre, Lisbon
  • "Helvar lighting controls added the finishing touches to help create character and atmosphere."
    Generator Hostels’ lighting consultant
  • The Helvar router opens up endless possibilities that are only limited by our imagination.
    Manager for the Tipotie Health Centre installation, Tampere, Finland
  • Both the installation and programming stages ran incredibly smoothly.
    Reggiani Lighting
  • Optimum illumination and energy savings of up to 75% have exceeded our expectations.
    Hartmann International GmbH
  • Разумеется, конкуренты есть. Но Helvar предоставляет самое качественное обслуживание, самую эффективную поддержку и самое лучшее оборудование.
    JARMO RANTALA – Sähköpeko Oy, инженер Vuores School

 Панорамный вид на московский горизонт 

Radisson Blu Олимпийский

Задачи проекта

Простое управление освещением
Простые сценарии освещения: легко настроить, легко управлять, легко использовать

Гибкое решение
Различные требования к управлению в разных частях отеля – в общественных зонах, конференц-залах, офисной зоне, ресторане и других зонах

Экономия электроэнергии
Энергоэффективность и экономия ресурсов в процессе эксплуатации и обслуживания

Гибкая система управления освещением с возможностью создания различных сценариев для различных зон отеля: лобби, деловых и офисных зон, конференц-залов, ресторана и других помещений.

Основные преимущества
– Управление по протоколу DALI
– Во всех зонах реализовано управление освещением по протоколам DALI
– Масштабируемые решения
– Комфорт и простота
– Возможность дальнейшего масштабирования решения и изменения конфигурации управления освещением без существенных вложений

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