Subsidies, grants and funding for Intelligent LED Lighting Controls

Lighting is more than just a way to brighten up your space. It’s also a powerful tool to meet your efficiency targets and improve the sustainability of your building.

With subsidies, grants and regional funds available, there has never been a better time to upgrade your system.

Did you know that…


Was invested in Energy Efficiency by the European Investment Bank (EIB) in 2022 [1], with the biggest focus on Building efficiency projects [2].


Of the building stock in Europe must meet performance targets before 2050, in order to reach climate goals [3].


Of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU are caused by the construction, usage, renovation and demolition of buildings [4].

Up to 77%

Increase in asset value can be achieved through green building certification [5].

Don’t fall behind!

Sustainability reporting requirements have tightened for thousands of companies across the EU with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
Penalties for non-compliance with building efficiency directives can reach up to £50,000 in countries such as the UK, for example.
Up to 85% of lighting energy consumption can be saved through the use of intelligent LED lighting, when compared to schedule-based fluorescent lighting.

Goodbye fluorescent…

We fully support the transition to LED, and the EU-wide fluorescent ban will reduce both emissions and waste in our buildings. But why stop at the light source?

With intelligent controls and smart data insights, you ensure that your spaces perform at their absolute best.

Hello LED lighting intelligence!

➣ Unlock actionable data insights
➣ Maximise user wellbeing
➣ Optimise your spaces

…all while integrating with existing building technologies for a truly seamless experience.

Goodbye fluorescent…

We fully support the transition to LED, and the EU-wide fluorescent ban will reduce both emissions and waste in our buildings. But why stop at the light source?

With intelligent controls and smart data insights, you ensure that your spaces perform at their absolute best.

Hello LED lighting intelligence!

➣ Unlock actionable data insights
➣ Maximise user wellbeing
➣ Optimise your spaces
…all while integrating with existing building technologies for a truly seamless experience.

What subsidy options are available for improving building energy efficiency?


In Europe, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is one of the main providers of ‘climate finance’ and collaborates with public and private sectors to boost investments in clean energy and energy efficiency projects.

They provide direct loans to large companies and projects and offer loans and assistance to intermediaries (such as local banks) for smaller projects.

National funds

➢ European Investment Bank (EIB)​
➢ European Invesment Funds (EIF)

Regional funds

➢ Interreg Europe
➢ Energy aid


Germany has national, regional, and local funds for energy programs.

The national funds, managed by BAFA, have 14 programs focusing on energy-efficient buildings, energy savings, and sustainable reconstruction. Regional funds from KfW offer 22 programs in all 16 counties, targeting similar objectives to that of BAFA. Local funds are also available in selected cities and areas, e.g. Major cities like Munich, Frankfurt, and Düsseldorf have access to these programs.

National funds

➢ BAFA (Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control)
14 programs focusing on energy-efficient buildings, energy savings, and sustainable reconstruction

Regional funds

➢ KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau)
22 programs in all 16 counties

Local funds

➢ In selected cities and areas
E.g. Munich, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf​


NOTE: Funds are currently on hold due to the finance crisis in late 2022, and updates will be given in due course.

National funds

➢ Energy Savings Trust & C02nstruct Zero Programme
(Potential coverage of non-residential buildings in the future)

Regional funds

➢ Scotland: Non-domestic energy efficiency programme (NDEE) for public buildings

Local funds

➢ London Green fund
➢ EMphasis3 CO2 Reductions Project
➢ West of England Green Business Grants


Finland has several national funds that aim to encourage innovation, research, and development in Finland, including the advancement of energy solutions.

For example, Business Finland provides funding opportunities, including support for energy solutions, particularly in the field of research and development. There are also funding opportunities from the Academy of Finland concerning energy-related scientfici research projects.

National funds

➢ Business Finland​
➢ Academy of Finland​
➢ Ministry of Finance


Sweden offers national funds to support various energy-related initiatives.

These funds include programs such as the Energimyndigheten E2B2 Program, which focuses on research and development in the energy sector and aims to advance energy efficiency and sustainability through these projects. Additionally, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency operates the Klimatklivet Scheme, which provides funding opportunities for projects that contribute to reducing climate impact and achieving emission reductions.

National funds

➢ Energimyndigheten E2B2 Program
➢ Naturvårdsverket – Klimatklivet Scheme


Denmark offers a variety of national funds to support energy-related projects, which collectively aim to promote energy efficiency, sustainable technologies, and the achievement of national energy and climate goals in Denmark. See the list of national funds below!

National funds

➢ The National Building Fund
➢ The Grand Solution Program
➢ National Energy & Climate Plan
➢ Recovery and Resilience Plan
➢ Innovation Fund Denmark
➢ We Build Denmark


Norway has the Enova national fund to provide financial support and incentives for projects that contribute to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

National funds

➢ Enova

The future is ready today

Rapid installation

Intelligent lighting systems have a range of different features that allow for a fast, effective installation:

• Intuitive apps help to simplify the most complex tasks

• Self-learning features means that some systems, such as Helvar ActiveAhead, can work right out of the box!

• Bluetooth-mesh networks allow updates to be done over-the-air

With quick configuration times, you can:

• Minimise disruptions in your spaces
• Save time and money in commissioning
• Optimise and adjust your system on-demand

Helvar’s solutions are renowned for their ease of configuration, scalability, and suitability for any range of spaces.

Helvar ActiveAhead, for example, is an award-winning wireless lighting control solution that’s so easy to configure that a student could do it. Paired with Helvar Insights, our digital services platform, you can conduct maintenance and adjust the system entirely remotely!

End-to-end intelligence

Smart features in lighting components have the capability to measure and report luminaire energy consumption data according to standard specifications. Lighting controls provide an additional layer of data, which digital services can then process into actionable insights and practical reports.

• Everything is compatible and your system works seamlessly while unlocking advanced control features (e.g. automatic PIR sensor optimisation)

• Monitor the health and performance of your entire system across a single room or entire building

Support and training from one supplier means fewer headaches and significant time savings

Helvar is one of the only providers of a fully end-to-end solution for intelligent lighting, consisting of luminaires equipped with Helvar LED drivers, which are controlled by a Helvar lighting control solution and equipped with Helvar Insights, our digital services platform.

When it comes to support, Helvar can help you in any timezone through a vast network of experts in over 85 countries!

Lifelong optimisation

Intelligent lighting systems have a dense network of sensors which can monitor the conditions in your spaces and send information to digital platforms for further processing. Taking advantage of this rich pool of data allows you to unlock a new range of optimisation possibilities.

Monitor real-time lighting energy consumption and take action quickly when needed

Pinpoint where space usage can be improved through occupancy insights

Streamline sustainability reporting through comprehensive historical data

Helvar’s digital services platform, Helvar Insights, allows everyone in the building to make data-conscious decisions based on smart recommendations and practical reports. With Helvar Insights, you can compare historical data and use a range of optimisation features to continuously optimise your lighting system, regardless of how usage changes.

Take the next step!

Energy consultants and Green Building Councils can help you to assess your building and find appropriate financing for your energy efficiency project.
Our local experts are ready to offer the optimal lighting solution, personalised for your unique project requirements. Reach out to us below!
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