
Found 192 Items

Управление цветовой температурой

  • Aralık 7, 2018

Управление цветовой температурой Драйверы Helvar iC DALI и светодиодные модули являются основными составляющими светильников с регулируемой цветовой температурой. iC драйверы имеют...

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Helvar Supporting Research

  • Kasım 14, 2019

It is important to know more, to learn and develop the world around us. To help scientists study the effects of...

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Helvar Supporting Research

  • Kasım 14, 2019

It is important to know more, to learn and develop the world around us. To help scientists study the effects of...

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Composants pour luminaires

  • Temmuz 25, 2018

Votre partenaire pour les applications d’éclairage professionnelles Notre offre de produits LED est conçue pour offrir des applications d’éclairage professionnelles à...

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MINI Series

  • Haziran 3, 2020

Pienikokoiset LED-liitäntälaitteet MINI Series on pienikokoisten LED-driverien tuoteperhe, jotka on suunniteltu sopimaan erinomaisesti ahtaisiin asennuspaikkoihin, sisäkattoihin tai pieniin valaisimiin kuten spotteihin....

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Office lighting controls

  • Ağustos 7, 2018

We're office lighting control experts... Light plays an integral role in the workspace, across a range of spaces including meeting rooms,...

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MINI Series

  • Haziran 3, 2020

Kleine LED-Treiber Unsere kleinen LED-Treiber der MINI-Serie eignen sich hervorragend für beengte Platzverhältnisse, kleine Leuchten oder Installationen durch enge Ausschnittslöcher für...

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Konstant Spänning

  • Aralık 7, 2018

Dekorativ belysning med LED-drivdon Med våra DALI- eller Switch-Control-utbyggnadsenheter kan Helvars LED-drivdon med konstant spänning användas för att skapa imponerande dimmerlösningar...

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Design Show Australia 2023

  • Nisan 21, 2023

Step into the world of innovative lighting solutions with Helvar and ELR at DesignShow Australia 2023. Combining Helvar's expertise in DALI,...

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RoomSet Lighting Solution

  • Haziran 15, 2020

Intelligent lighting for single rooms. RoomSet’s designed for quick, easy configuration of repeatable spaces like classrooms and offices.

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