
Found 153 Items

Legal Notices

  • julio 18, 2018

Go to... Code of Conduct Legal Notice Privacy Statement Terms & Guarantee Vulnerability Disclosure Policy Code of ConductCode of Conduct Code...

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Nuestra Historia

  • julio 20, 2018

100 años de innovaciones y liderazgo En Helvar creamos soluciones de iluminación inteligentes y de bajo consumo. La iluminación inteligente es...

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  • julio 30, 2018

Lights to energise and inspire. Lights to boost health, mood, and happiness. Cool blues for laser-sharp concentration. Warm tones to help...

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  • diciembre 3, 2019

Iluminación circadiana que favorece el bienestar En Helvar, somos expertos en iluminación centrada en las personas. La iluminación en los espacios...

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  • diciembre 12, 2018

ILLUSTRIS — стильный пользовательский интерфейс с большим количеством функций Управляйте цветом ILLUSTRIS® — это современный пользовательский интерфейс с дополнительными функциями управления...

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Our Industry Alliances

  • julio 5, 2021

Our Industry Associations We're proud to be in alliance with a range of renowned industry bodies, consortia and green building councils....

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  • diciembre 12, 2018

ILLUSTRIS - ett elegant användargränssnitt med många funktioner Upplev full färgstyrning ILLUSTRIS® är ett modernt användargränssnitt med avancerade ljusstyrningsfunktioner. Denna slanka...

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  • diciembre 12, 2018

ILLUSTRIS – un’elegante ed efficiente interfaccia utente Il vero controllo del colore ILLUSTRIS® è una moderna interfaccia utente con funzioni avanzate...

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With You All The Way

  • julio 14, 2020

We're Helvar. We're proud to have a network of expert Partners located all around the world. We're proud to have almost...

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Emergency lighting testing with intelligent solutions

  • noviembre 24, 2022

Save time and money on emergency lighting testing with Helvar: Book a free demo today! Generate automatic reports and schedule all...

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