5606 ActiveAhead Control Unit DA (Discontinued)

5606 ActiveAhead Control Unit DA (Discontinued)

ActiveAhead Control Unit DA converts DALI luminaires into wireless ActiveAhead enabled luminaires. The ActiveAhead Control Unit DA has a pre-programmed software to continuously learn and operate the luminaire accordingly. ActiveAhead control units form a low-energy Bluetooth mesh network through which they share information; e.g., on the detected changes in their vicinity. ActiveAhead Control Unit DA does not work with the ActiveAhead Generation 2 products.

  • Beleuchtungssteuerungssystem: Drahtlose Beleuchtungssteuerung
  • Methode zur Befestigung: DALI-Leuchten



Converts DALI luminaires into wireless ActiveAhead luminaires
Placed inside or outside of luminaire
Continuously learns about changes in the vicinity
Connects to Bluetooth low energy mesh network

Kompatible Produkte

Kompatible Produkte

3021, 3022, 320, 321

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