
Found 91 Items


  • diciembre 5, 2018

As a programmable DALI lighting system, DIGIDIM offers flexibility in the design of modern lighting solutions.

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  • diciembre 5, 2018

Spas elegantes. Restaurantes acogedores. Espacios diseñados para ayudarle a recargar pilas. Todo con la atención puesta en un estilo galardonado y...

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Small sized LED drivers Our MINI Series of small-sized LED drivers are great for tight spaces, smaller light fittings, or installations...

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Pienikokoiset LED-liitäntälaitteet MINI Series on pienikokoisten LED-driverien tuoteperhe, jotka on suunniteltu sopimaan erinomaisesti ahtaisiin asennuspaikkoihin, sisäkattoihin tai pieniin valaisimiin kuten spotteihin....

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Small sized LED drivers Our MINI Series of small-sized LED drivers are great for tight spaces, smaller light fittings, or installations...

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Small sized LED drivers Our MINI Series of small-sized LED drivers are great for tight spaces, smaller light fittings, or installations...

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Kleine LED-Treiber Unsere kleinen LED-Treiber der MINI-Serie eignen sich hervorragend für beengte Platzverhältnisse, kleine Leuchten oder Installationen durch enge Ausschnittslöcher für...

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Small sized LED drivers Our MINI Series of small-sized LED drivers are great for tight spaces, smaller light fittings, or installations...

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Серия MINI

  • junio 3, 2020

LED драйверы маленького размера LED драйверы серии MINI отлично подходят для ограниченных пространств, компактных светильников, для монтажа в маленькие отверстия от...

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MINI Series

  • junio 3, 2020

Small sized LED drivers Our MINI Series of small-sized LED drivers are great for tight spaces, smaller light fittings, or installations...

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