Kim Långström has been officially appointed as new Helvar CEO starting September 2024. Current CEO, Adel Hattab, will continue in the role until September 6th, before moving to his new position as CEO at HögforsGST.
Kim brings extensive experience in the smart building industry to Helvar, having previously held leadership positions at Schneider Electric and Kone. His proven track record in commercial operations and go-to-market strategies will be instrumental in strengthening Helvar’s position in the rapidly growing smart building market.
I am delighted to take over the baton from Adel, who has laid such a strong foundation during his tenure. I am also looking forward to meeting all Helvarians, customers and partners in the coming months. I am also very eager to strengthen our market position further on all markets and capture market opportunities with rapidly increasing demand for Smart Buildings driven by energy regulations“, Kim Långström comments.
We are confident that Kim’s leadership will be instrumental in achieving our strategic goals and driving continued success for Helvar, ultimately benefiting our valued global partnerships.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and a heartfelt thank you to Adel for his outstanding leadership during his tenure at Helvar. Under Adel’s guidance, Helvar has achieved significant milestones and has seen spectacular growth. We wish Adel all the best in his exciting new role as CEO at HögforsGST International and in all of his future endeavours.
 “I am convinced that Kim will continue to foster Helvar’s key strength: our people. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to work with so many great colleagues over my past seven years. I feel very proud where Helvar stands as of today and am convinced you all will have prosperous future ahead”, Adel Hattab states.