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Helvar at Junction 2021: a Weekend of Innovation

  • november 11, 2021

WRITTEN BY HENRI JUSLÉN Henri Juslén, Helvar’s Chief Future Illuminator, focuses together with his team on lighting, research, university co-operation, IPR,…

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The Future Smart Building

  • november 10, 2021

WRITTEN BY LARS HELLSTRÖM Lars is responsible for strategy and business development at Helvar, encouraging customers and the building ecosystem to…

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DALI-2 och Blickar mot Framtiden

  • november 1, 2021

SKRIVET AV AUSTEN CONWAY Austen Conway är ansvarig för ny teknologi & öppna standarder hos Helvar. Han är medlem i det…

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Junction 2021: Helvar Challenge

  • oktober 29, 2021

Overview Helvar’s smart lighting infrastructure can best be described as an IoT framework where apart from enabling the core lighting functionality,…

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Whitepaper: Indoor Lighting Standard EN 12464-1:2021

  • september 28, 2021

Summary The EN 12464-1 Lighting Standard specifies lighting requirements for indoor workplaces, ensuring optimal conditions across various environments like offices, healthcare,…

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Kraften av datainsikter i smarta byggnaders belysningsstyrning

  • september 7, 2021

SKRIVET AV ANDY NOLAN Andy Nolan jobbar som Produktchef för Helvar’s Digitala Tjänster. Han har 30 års erfarenhet i byggnadstjänstindustrin…

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Helvar 100: a story of innovation

  • augusti 17, 2021

Helvar 100: a story of innovation At Helvar, we aim to create the experiences that users demand. Over our 100-year history,...

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Lighting Control & United Nations World Creativity and Innovation Day

  • april 21, 2021

WRITTEN BY HENRI JUSLÉN Henri Juslén, Helvar’s Chief Future Illuminator, focuses together with his team on lighting, research, university co-operation,…

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Life at Helvar: Innovation

  • mars 16, 2021

In the final instalment of our three-part blog series, we look at what our team thinks of being part of the...

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Lighting Control & World Engineering Day

  • mars 4, 2021

WRITTEN BY HENRI JUSLÉN Henri Juslén, Helvar’s Chief Future Illuminator, focuses together with his team on lighting, research, university co-operation,…

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